I can't keep up with those two, Dad & Pam. Recently for a second time they hit the open road, driving north with a few ideas in mind, a few people to see, and then meandering to see what happened next. The first trip included seeing Clare & Stefan in Vermont, having a "light-blessed" lunch with Laura & Joel in upstate New York, a day with the monks at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Genesee, and a stop at the Corning Glass Museum. Pam snapped the gorgeous shot of the glass bowl of fruit above--you can click on all the pics for a bigger view. Dad wrote:
The glass museum was a MOMA and a Met in and of glass, if you can imagine it--which you can do only if you reflect on the multiplicity of forms and states glass can exist in and the fantastic plasticity of human imagination. Some creations were like dreams, and some--like the exhibition of the world-wide history of beads, their aesthetic and cultural shapes and uses--were eminently this-worldly. What a day that was, from the sacred song of Trappist liturgy the day and night before to the transcendent silicate hymns of the Corning Museum. (And the day after--to continue the theme--a eucharistic meal with beloved family.)
The second trip included meeting up with Mary & Mark in New Jersey, to hand over some special wedding gifts. They were partly music-related, since Mark Rogers & Mary Byrne are slated to record their first album soon! Dad said trip bumpiness, rush and bitter cold all started to turn around, spending those lunchtime hours with the newlyweds in a warm, friendly Italian restaurant in Summit. Mark and Mary were awed. "Words cannot express," Mary wrote.
The following days, Dad & Pam did Montclair, New Jersey, Pam's hometown. They "toured high spots of Pam's childhood and pre-college life and took many pictures, including of her home and bedroom windows, schools and church," and visited the graves of parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. It was all so engrossing that they left Dad's walker at the cemetery! But could buy another one easily when they got to Maryland. Then they toured the museum of the Battle of Gettysburg.
They were all wondrous days!! Quite a journey, and now we are home. Love and joy and peace to all.
So, in the spirit of the upcoming seasons, here are "Thanksgiving" pics of the second trip, framed by the "Christmas ornaments" of the first.--JEB