While in New York, I got to participate in the sixth annual No Pants Subway Ride. It's a large-scale performance prank (or hack - MIT what!) of the subway system, where we all get on the 6 train and calmly board subway cars with no pants on. Three hundred people showed up and were split into groups, one for each car along the entire train. I was designated the first de-pants-er for my group, which thrilled me to the core. We weren't allowed to bring a camera; we had to trust others to document it for us. So after the big event, I combed through all the Flickr albums to find some hard evidence that, yes, I'd bared my fanny (or pretty near) so that my labmates would believe me. Here is that evidence. Also, you can read more about it at the official website, which contains a lot of hilarious pictures and stories.