One evening, just after coming back from Martha's Vineyard, Dad and Pam went out to the garden. They noticed a commotion by the north fence--a mockingbird was complaining about something in the grass. They sat down, and just then, a little kitten came bounding up the north path. Pam picked her up. They decided to name her Honey, after Melleray itself. She can be seen in the picture above, but I could never get her still--she was always scratching and pouncing and rolling.
At the same time I met Honey, though, I heard some sad news: that Mrs. T had died. Mrs. T (seen here) was the beautiful red hen who spent her days scratching around the cabins and letting herself be picked up and petted. She had gone broody, forgot to drink in the heat, and died. I will miss her. She was a very pretty, strange chicken.
So part of me likes to think that Honey is just Mrs. T reincarnated. That Mrs. T wanted a more cuddleable form. Dad has also informed me that Thumper, the male brown rabbit, has gone missing for two days. Will he come back to us in the same form, I wonder, or some other? --MCB
oh, sad to hear about Mrs. T. How's that other outcast one who hangs around the cabins doing?
Posted by: clare | July 17, 2011 at 01:19 PM
Which one? The one with the misaligned beak died awhile ago, unfortunately :(
Posted by: Monica | July 17, 2011 at 01:40 PM
Clare is referring to Baldy, who was molting in a ghastly fashion and hung around with humans for awhile. She's now back with the flock. The one with the crooked beak was Jack, who died at the hands (and teeth) of a fox a couple years ago.
Posted by: Daddy B | July 18, 2011 at 04:15 PM