The big Byrne news of the summer was a wedding!!!
Longtime couple Mary Byrne and Mark Rogers got married in late July in Brooklyn. I was incredibly honored to have a primo view on the ceremony as Mark & Mary's official witness. So we all got legal and signed papers. But what I witnessed more than anything was ridiculous JOY and abounding LOVE. It was just a perfect wedding in every detail, from the sunshine outside to the stylin' attire to the magical slow-time of it all. The real deal was just being around the gorgeous couple and soaking it all up!
The new marrieds put together this album, and here are a few more pix you might not have seen.
Congratulations, Mark and Mary, with all best wishes for the rest of your life together!
Yay for all of us, for Mark and Mary joining our respective families, for the circles ever growing bigger and better!
Finally, if you didn't know, YES to "Mark Rogers & Mary Byrne," the new hot music-making tandem in NYC. I've been going to shows all summer, and, like woah. There will be a future post on that, but in the meantime, if you want to get in touch with Mary and Mark directly, see contact info at their music sites, here, here & here.--JEB
Thank you so much, Julie. It was a happy day, as it has been since. We could not have done it without you and your sweet witnessing! You made our day.
Posted by: Mary | September 09, 2013 at 05:25 PM