This was one of the few dresses I brought to Hawaii. Here I am, swimsuit straps flopping out, in the bathroom of my vacation rental. It's the perfect easy summer dress - bright, loose; no need for a bra, or - hell! - even underwear. But as it happened, I wore it on a kind of adventure. When visiting Wailua falls, one of the most beautiful waterfalls on Kauai, I remembered a passage in my guidebook about a secret path down to the pool. I found it, too - just beyond where the guardrail ended, like they said - and saw that there were ropes tied from tree to tree down the slope, left there (and maintained) by Kauaian outdoorspeople/guardian angels. You can see pictures here.
Getting down to the pool was completely worth it. The thundering, the mist, the inner silence it created - all worth it. I imagined building a little hut on the shore of the pool, across from the waterfall, and waking up to its roar every morning.